Archive for October, 2009

Jigsaw Sudoku

Sudoku Jigsaw Medium puzzle

I’m adding features back in to my new puzzle assistant front end code so today I thought I’d post the standard Jigsaw Sudoku puzzle that was my test subject – just fit 1-9 into each row, column and bold-lined shape.

Just a Sudoku

Sudoku easy puzzle

I haven’t posted here for a while, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on various puzzle projects.  One of the things I have been doing is upgrading my puzzle assistant code to be easier to use and more integrated than ever before, and the first part of testing this is to make a plain and simple vanilla Sudoku.  So here it is.  It’s very easy.

Meanwhile, the recent US Sudoku Championship hit the news not just for its $25,000 (£15,000) prize pot but also because it seems one of the three advanced level finalists cheated to get to the final (and win $3,000 / £1,800), possibly because the organisers seem to have allowed people to have all sorts of electronic devices with them whilst solving.  The cheques have been held whilst they work out what happened.

Sudoku Pro Digital Edition

If you’re a subscriber to Sudoku Pro magazine (the best “Japanese puzzle” magazine anywhere outside Japan – although I do write every puzzle in it so perhaps I have some bias; but it really is good) then there’s now a digital edition included free with every printed copy. You can go online with the code printed on your delivery notice and view and print the puzzles out as many times as you like, until, perhaps, you finally solve them! :)
Sudoku Pro online

The latest issue is number 49, and the puzzles in it include:

  • Hanjie
  • Killer Sudoku (and Killer Sudoku X)
  • Jigsaw Sudoku (both 6×6 and 9×9)
  • Sudoku X
  • Toroidal Sudoku
  • Futoshiki
  • Nurikabe
  • Masyu
  • Yajilin
  • Hitori
  • Dominoes
  • Sudoku Inequality
  • Battleships
  • Hashi
  • Kakuro
  • CalcuDoku
  • Consecutive Sudoku
  • Sudoku Extra Regions
  • Samurai Sudoku
  • Samurai Star (Sudoku)
  • Slitherlink
  • Jigsaw Killer Sudoku
  • and of course Sudoku (including 6×6, 9×9, 12×12, 16×16 and 25×25)

Plus each issue has a guest ‘master class’ puzzle – issue 49’s guest puzzle is Number link.  And there’s also the Mind Gym at the back, which this month features various memory tests.

There’s more details and some sample pages on the Total Puzzles website.

PS Sorry I haven’t posted for a while – I’ve had various distractions, both work and family, over the past month, but as of tomorrow hopefully things are going to return to relative normality!