Skyscraper Shuriken Samurai Sudoku puzzle

I’m glad yesterday’s Shuriken Samurai went down well, so today I’ve upgraded it to a Skyscraper puzzle (following Christine’s request for more Skyscrapers!).  This is, I think it’s fair to say, quite a bit harder than the basic Samurai yesterday was – but then any puzzle with a title this hard to say quickly really shouldn’t be able to be solved quickly either… :)

The rules are the same as yesterday (place 1-6 into each row, column and 2×3 box of the 13 underlying 6×6 Sudoku grids) but with the addition of Skyscraper constraints: place numbers so that the given number of digits can be ’seen’ from each external Skyscraper clue outside the grid.  From the vantage point of each Skyscraper clue look along the adjacent row/column – with higher numbers obscuring all lower numbers (or those of the same value), the clue tells you how many numbers are visible.  Check back to older puzzles I’ve posted for more detailed help.

Good luck! ;)